Healthcare and hospital murals
Charlotte Designs are experienced in the design and painting of healthcare murals for hospitals and care homes. The size and practical nature of murals, makes them an ideal choice for decorating indoor and outside spaces. In settings providing long term care, they help to reduce symptoms such as anxiety and confusion, creating a less clinical environment that enjoyed by all. In hospitals, the reduction of stress can assist the healing process and help patients to deal with pain more effectively.
Wherever possible, I try to involve staff and patients in the design of the mural and this can have huge benefits for all concerned. Our murals can be protected with a tough varnish, providing an anti bacterial finish as well as making them virtually bomb proof. You can read more about murals in hospitals here.
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- Reduction in stress and agression
- Reduction in getting lost
- Reduction of accidents due to not being able to find the bathroom
- Increased use of communal areas
- Increased socialbility
- Increased enjoyment by visitors
- Increased job satisfaction by caring staff
- Murals are easy to care for and wipe clean
- Pictures can not be taken off the wall and damaged
Murals can be introduced in key areas and then added to over time to ensure that changes are kept to a minimum, our customers report that residents enjoy seeing the art work appear and wherever possible. we interact with the residents and include their wants into the finished schemes.
Fully insured and DBS (CRB) cleared
IPAF qualified
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Let us know if you have any questions or want to talk through your ideas. We don't charge for chatting, so don't be shy!
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07771 782031